Enterprise Market

Large Enterprises Can Have Even Bigger IT Headaches. We Make Them Go Away
Large enterprises face unique technology challenges, and the larger they are, the bigger the challenges can be. Distributed operations demand a cohesive, integrated IT and cybersecurity strategy, but disparate IT staff in multiple locations can give rise to fiefdoms with isolationist attitudes. Furthermore, While corporate IT staff may be kept up to date on emerging technologies and threats, staff in satellite and branch locations may not. Adherence to security and IT policies can also vary, from location to location and even from one department to the next.
To help large organizations promote cohesion of IT policies, procedures, approaches, and systems, New Cyber Source has developed a targeted program for large enterprises. Recognizing that unlike their smaller counterparts, large enterprises have the flexibility to select best-of-breed technologies from a variety of vendors, we have also established a multi-vendor evaluation process that focuses on excellence and ease of integration rather than ubiquity.
We understand that you don’t need us to run your technology show. Rather, our focus is on helping you strategize and execute for its success—from opening night to the final encore.
The Realities of “Big League” IT
Studies show that approximately half of all large enterprises outsource some of their IT functions, and not because they save money by doing it. Rather, these organizations recognize that keeping a large staff up to date on rapidly changing technologies and skill sets is simply not practical.
The focus of enterprise computing has changed so fundamentally, especially with e-commerce and web interfaces shaping the majority of new applications, that many enterprises turn to external support providers for the new skills they need. Ten years ago, outsourcing was about ‘core versus chore,’ with third-party IT firms mopping up messes and/or taking on basic maintenance and support work, with strategic plans and projects kept in-house.
Today the picture is changing. Surveys indicate that outsourcing IT strategy and management of cloud environments leads the pack, but server and processor strategy and management is also moving steadily into third-party hands.
At New Cyber Source, we’re standing at the ready—whatever you need; whenever you want it.