MSSP Services

MSSP Services

Managed Security Services: Minimizing Exposure in a Profoundly Unsafe World

Statistics show that most organizations have experienced a cyber breach at some level, even though they may not know it. Those that haven’t been breached won’t escape forever. In this landscape, the best outcome lies in a multi-pronged approach that includes not only hardware and software solutions but also hands-on management by seasoned security experts.

That’s precisely the methodology New Cyber Source uses to defend its clients and their assets.

To learn more about the security hardware and software solutions we sell, click here.

Why Managed Security Services?

Defensive tools alone cannot prevent breaches. Even the best security software cannot close every possible “tunnel” to the heart of your data. The best-protected firms also focus on incident response and mitigation.

Mistakes are a leading cause of breaches. Thanks to the ever-present “people factor,” no firm is immune from a breach. In fact, human error—lost devices, credential theft, poor email practices, and more—account for half of all data breaches.

Security is a practice, not a procedure. To have the greatest possible odds of minimizing theft or compromise of assets, damage to corporate reputation, loss of client trust, and possible criminal liability, firms must develop and maintain a comprehensive security practice that incorporates not only assessment, “hole closure,” and ongoing threat monitoring, mitigation and detection but also ongoing personnel training and rapid post-attack incident response and mitigation.

Our Team; Your Future

As battle-hardened technology warriors with more than 50 years of experience among our staff, we apply our professional expertise to ensure that your security defenses and detection mechanisms are as robust as possible. Our pros also use their strategic education and training expertise to close your largest vulnerability (your people). Finally, we bring our full resources to bear both pre- and post-incident, and dramatically reducing your risk of exposure and loss due to a security incident.

Security Risk Assessment
Pairing advanced technologies such as penetration testing with an empirical evaluation of company policies, employee behaviors, and more, our security experts identify where you are exposed and develop a plan to close each potential attack point. If we find that you have already been breached (which isn’t uncommon), we will go into hyperdrive to close any holes and mitigate the damage.

Asset Mapping
Our digital forensics specialists audit and map your technology assets to ensure there are no rogue devices on the network—and to confirm the ones there, are properly configured and responsive. Audits like these not only help secure your environments; they also provide support for compliance efforts.

Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) Consolidation
Our governance experts examine and optimize your technology GRC plans and programs, which both helps ensure regulatory compliance and maximizes operating efficiency.

Technical Staff Training
Our training experts ensure your technical staff is fully trained and up to speed on traditional, current and evolving security procedures and techniques—and that they know precisely what to do in the event of an intrusion. (For those companies that do not have in-house technical staff, we can even help you hire the best and brightest—and then train them, too.)

GDPR Readiness
With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) effective as of May 2018, firms can no longer ignore this mandate. New Cyber Source has studied the GDPR in detail and developed an extensive test that ensures firms comply with GDPR – and can avoid the massive ($20M+) fines that can result from a violation.

Incident Response Readiness Review
New Cyber Source’s heavily trained and certified incident response experts will assess your current response plan and make recommendations for improvements.

First Responder Security Incident Response
Our computer security incident response experts become your on-call front line of defense, ready to address incidents quickly and effectively as they occur.

Post-Incident Forensics
After-incident response is complete, our team will scour activity logs and other digital traces to determine how the incident occurred. We will follow up with proactive recommendations for strengthening the organization’s security posture against future attacks.

While a strong security defense will always be important, it must be paired with robust employee training, swift detection and decisive incident response and remediation. New Cyber Source checks every box.

Bolster Your Security Defenses, Today!

Want the best possible odds of breach avoidance—with the least damage if one occurs?

Security Brochure

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